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Academic Excellence

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Now accepting inquiries for enrollment in the 2025-26 school year! Please visit our Admissions pa


Join us for an Open House on Saturday, March 1st! Learn more here. 

Welcome to the Montessori School of Maui

The Montessori School of Maui, founded in 1978, began by serving just eight students. Over the years, the organization has mindfully grown, stretched and evolved to a lovely 9-acre campus serving nearly 300 students, from Toddler through 8th grade.

The School engages staff and students in a collaborative learning environment based upon the time honored principles developed by Dr. Maria Montessori over 150 years ago. Through this effort, the School looks to encourage critical thinking, cultivate inquisitive minds and empower children to actively participate in their rapidly changing environment and unpredictable future.

The Montessori teaching methodology is uniquely based upon observation, peer learning, tactile learning materials and intrinsic motivation. Within each classroom, multiple grades or levels of student are combined, creating an environment wherein students serve as leaders for one another. These elements come together to create a truly distinctive and remarkable approach to education and childhood experience.

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The Montessori School of Maui approach features a collaborative learning environment to stimulate each student’s critical thinking skills, cultivate inquisitive minds and empower children to actively participate in the rapidly changing environment of the twenty-first century.